Memorial Day Coupons and Discounts for 2025

To make it easier on you, E-Cigarette Brands has a list here of the best vaping coupons in one convenient place:

This year Memorial Day will take place on May 28th in the United States. Memorial Day is a day to remember fallen soldiers and to appreciate veterans. This means Memorial Day sales are often aimed at saving veterans money wherever possible, but Memorial Day sales are also a way to stock up and prepare for summer. Summer means vacation and plenty of time to enjoy the weather and time with the family. Use our discounts and coupons to get the most out of your Memorial Day sales and get a head start on preparing for summer!

The summer is a time for cookouts, pools, and plenty of time with friends and family. Smoke breaks can be a hassle, especially if you’re the only one in your family who has to take fifteen minutes away from all the action every couple of hours. You can easily remedy this buy investing into an e-cigarette starter kit before summer comes along. E-cigarettes are the perfect way to allow you to smoke indoors or around non-smokers without an offensive odor. If anything, your vapor will smell like the fruit or dessert of your choice. Maybe a summery mango or juicy peach?

Using these coupons you can get a high-end starter kit from somewhere like Vaper Empire or get something authentic from MigVapor.

Speaking of e-juices, now is the perfect time to switch from your winter and fall favorites, like coffee or tobacco, and try something new. South Beach Smoke and Halo Cigs are offering some very interesting flavors—from cooling menthol to any fruit cocktail you can imagine. Using these coupons, why not try a few?

If you’re planning on going anywhere this summer, it might be wise to invest in a larger battery. Maybe you already have an e-cigarette, but chances are it’ll only last a few hours before you need to hook up to an outlet. Unfortunately, there are no outlets in the great outdoors and there certainly aren’t any near pools. Apollo and V2 Cigs can hook you up with a larger vape pen, vape mod, or box mod that will last for days without needing to recharge. Even Halo Cigs has a box mod that boasts 5,000 mAh. Compared to a 250 mAh e-cigarette, that’s a huge upgrade.

These can often be expensive, but when you checkout be sure to use our coupons. With these, you can afford to spoil yourself this summer.

Or if you’re looking for something to use on warm winter nights around a bonfire, why not switch it up a little? ePuffer is offering some unique products like their e-cigar, e-pipe, and e-hookah head. This e-hookah head will sit directly on top of your existing shisha pipe. Smoking hookah is generally a social event, so with this you’ll be able to host as many friends as you have hoses.

No matter how you’re envisioning your summer vaping, keeping a little more money in your pocket is never a bad idea. Make sure you use out coupons and discounts here and on our company pages to make sure you’re getting the best deal.